Smartwatches: Gadget Overload or the Next Big Thing?

Microsoft Smartwatch Prototype?

Microsoft Smartwatch Prototype?

Just when we finally figured out how to utilize most of the features on our smartphone, the list of companies who have introduced or are soon-to-be in production with or rumored to be in development with a smartwatch seems to grow every day.  Major players such as Sony, Samsung, Microsoft, Nike (yes the sneaker folks), Bluetooth, LG, Garmin (of GPS fame), Motorola, Apple and Google are all on one of these lists.  So, what exactly is a smartwatch?  And do we really need another gadget or is this a forced creation – like National Boss Day – bullying us to buy something?

A smartwatch is exactly what you might think – a wristwatch computer.  It is usually synced with your cellphone to receive texts and tweets; provide GPS directions and calendar alerts; download apps and music; get news and weather and may be able to perform many other functions of a smartphone, such as take pictures and videos.  It can even tell time!

So why do we need a smartwatch when we have a smartphone, a tablet, an e-reader, a laptop, a digital camera, an MP3 player and a watch?  According to Sony, which currently sells one of the most popular smartwatches, it is an inconspicuous and fashionable way to always be connected.  One of their rotating pictures shows a groom in full tuxedo with his recently unveiled bride, checking his watch.  Presumably it’s OK on your wedding day to check your “watch” while secretly checking sports scores or honeymoon weather reports, but not OK to be distracted with your cell for the same.

Our unscientific survey reveals men to be more excited about this than women.  It remains to be seen if consumers will gravitate toward this as a must-have or if it represents gadget fatigue.  What do you think about the smartwatch and will it be on your holiday wish list?  Share your comments here.

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